5 ways to increase the vocabulary of toddlers

Follow these 5 home based activities to increase the vocabulary of toddlers

One of the many reason why kids are not speaking is that their vocabulary size is very small. There are various reasons why kids vocabulary size is small. Before I talk about the activities to increase the vocabulary, let us first understand why their vocabulary is size is small.

  1. Parents communicate/talk less with kids. 
  2. Kids are not able to remember new words.

So, it is always better understand the reason why for any problem. Now when we have understood why kids have small vocabulary size let us look into the home-based methods to increase the vocabulary. 

  1. Start talking: Without any expectations, even if you are staying in a nuclear family, you must keep talking with your child. Now you may be saying what to talk and does my child really understand what I am talking. (watch this reel -  it has answer to your question). You do not have to spare some extra time to talk with your child, you just have to keep talking throughout day. 
  2. Use same words often: Make a list of 5-10 words and use those words often in your conversation with your child. Let them listen these words more. As per studies, when toddler listen any word for more than 200 times they start remembering. And when they will remember they will also able to retrieve when needed. 
  3. Start showing flash cards: You can start flash cards as early as your child is 11 months old. So, by showing flash cards you are showing them pictures of objects which they will able to relate from real life. 
  4. Read with your child: Reading is a very good exercise to make your child listen new words and you can repeat the same stories so that your toddler listens to the same words often. 
  5. Use social stories: Social stories are very important tool for parent to develop the vocabulary of their kids and increase their awareness about things around. You can download a complete guide on social stories from HERE.

It is not necessary that you much follow all the techniques at the same time. You can choose 2-3 methods for 10 - 15 days follow it consistently and see the changes in your child's vocabulary. Consistency is the key to success. 

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